GrowBook is... business training that has been honed in developing-world contexts, sharing a proven approach to growing successful small businesses. LEVEL TWO BUSINESS TRAINING: GrowBook is designed for use by development organizations in their training of developing-world entrepreneurs. It is a level two course meant to compliment various introductory business curricula. GrowBook's 25 chapters easily adapt to training courses of various lengths. Each chapter is organized into sections on What, Why, How, and Now What. It's easy to follow, conducive for discussion, and practical to apply. Of...
GrowBook is... business training that has been honed in developing-world contexts, sharing a proven approach to growing successful small businesses. L...
GROWBOOK IS... hard-won know-how from seasoned entrepreneurs - a quick-reference guide to activating the 24 essential drivers of small business success. FOR MATURING YOUR BUSINESS: Everyone writes about how to start a business. Believe it or not - that's the easy part But how do you transform a cash-strapped venture where you're wearing way too many hats into a thriving company of strong teammates, growing profits, and raving fans? If that's your question, this is your book BY & FOR SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS: Why are most small business books written by corporate types and filled with...
GROWBOOK IS... hard-won know-how from seasoned entrepreneurs - a quick-reference guide to activating the 24 essential drivers of small business succes...
GrowBook est... Une formation commerciale affinee au monde en voie de developpement, qui partage une methode eprouvee pour developper des entreprises de petite et de moyenne taille qui reussissent. DES CONSEILS PRATIQUES POUR ACCROITRE LES ENTREPRISES: Les entrepreneurs individuels peuvent utiliser la sagesse de GrowBook pour developper une entreprise plus mure. Il est un guide pour transformer une jeune pousse d'entreprise a court d'argent qui depend completement de son proprietaire en une compagnie florissante avec une equipe forte, des profits croissants, et des clients devoues. Chaque...
GrowBook est... Une formation commerciale affinee au monde en voie de developpement, qui partage une methode eprouvee pour developper des entreprises ...