Luke was on his way home from traveling cross-country with a group of young travelers in an old bus whose spaced-out leader plotted to destroy the International Moon Launch, when the investigative journalist Luke Mitchner is sent by his friend and editor to a small California mining town called the Pitt Stop. Shared puzzlement draws Luke to Wally Justin, a likable giant of many talents in Pitt Stop, where together they begin to unravel the high desert mystery of computers, characters, and bumps in the night. Soon they are embroiled in dangerous and far reaching circumstances as they get...
Luke was on his way home from traveling cross-country with a group of young travelers in an old bus whose spaced-out leader plotted to destroy the Int...
Adventure, Romance, Mystery and More The fifth novel in the Luke Mitchner Series is an adventure into the secrets of the South Pacific. After a dramatic rescue the New Song delivers survivors to Palmyra Island, searching for ancient sunken treasure. The New Song's crew is drawn into the heart of a serious challenge as the divers' paradise turns into a militarized danger zone. Modern day bandits bring about tragedy, but a narrow escape through the jaws of a hurricane brings them to another full-on adventure. Leaving Palmyra Island, we learn what it's like to spend weeks on a boat with nowhere...
Adventure, Romance, Mystery and More The fifth novel in the Luke Mitchner Series is an adventure into the secrets of the South Pacific. After a drama...