This young-adult historical novel tells the unforgettable tale of an extraordinary young German Jewish girl whose struggle to survive the Holocaust is cast in a mystical, spiritual light.
Beginning with a scene where God tells her something just before she is born, "Do You Remember" follows Chana, whose mother, Miriam, would prefer to give her daughter a less Jewish name, in fear of the growing anti-Semitic environment that has already taken the life of her father.
Because of her blond hair, blue eyes, and strangely detached nature, Chana never fits into the Jewish community....
This young-adult historical novel tells the unforgettable tale of an extraordinary young German Jewish girl whose struggle to survive the Holocaust...
Elizabeth Byrd is determined to find someone who can help her figure out what those elusive magic words are that her mother is always asking her for. She encounters several helpful creatures throughout her adventure that offer magic words like "Alakazam" and "Hocus Pocus," but none are the right words, until she meets Jack. The tale provides a lively and fun way for young children to embrace the benefits of good manners while learning to read.
Elizabeth Byrd is determined to find someone who can help her figure out what those elusive magic words are that her mother is always asking her for. ...