The Man In the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas. This title is #6 of the D'Artagnan Romance Series. Alexandre Dumas, also known as Alexandre Dumas, pere, was a French writer, best known for his historical novels of high adventure. Translated into nearly 100 languages, these have made him one of the most widely read French authors in history. Plot: Dumas constructs the plot around the notion that the Man in the Iron Mask is the twin brother of Louis XIV, Philippe, who had been concealed and imprisoned from birth by his father, Louis XIII, and his mother, Anne of Austria, "for the good of France."...
The Man In the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas. This title is #6 of the D'Artagnan Romance Series. Alexandre Dumas, also known as Alexandre Dumas, pere, ...
Ten Years After by Alexandre Dumas. This title is #3 of the D'Artagnan Romance Series. Plot: D'Artagnan discovers Belle Ile is being fortified and the engineer ostensibly in charge is Porthos, though the blueprints show Aramis' handwriting. Aramis, suspicious of d'Artagnan, sends Porthos back to Paris to warn Fouquet, whilst tricking d'Artagnan into searching for Porthos around Vannes. Porthos warns Fouquet in the nick of time, and he cedes Belle Ile to the king, humiliating Colbert. On returning from the mission, d'Artagnan is made Captain of the King's Musketeers. Alexandre Dumas, also...
Ten Years After by Alexandre Dumas. This title is #3 of the D'Artagnan Romance Series. Plot: D'Artagnan discovers Belle Ile is being fortified and the...
The Viscomte of Bragelonne is a novel by Alexandre Dumas. It is the forth of the d'Artagnan Romances, following The Three Musketeers and Twenty Years After. Plot: After 35 years of loyal service, d'Artagnan resigns as lieutenant of the Musketeers as he perceives the young king Louis XIV as weak-willed. He resolves to aid the exiled Charles II to retake the throne of England, unaware that Athos is attempting the same. With their assistance Charles II is restored to the throne and d'Artagnan is rewarded richly. Alexandre Dumas, also known as Alexandre Dumas, pere, was a French writer, best...
The Viscomte of Bragelonne is a novel by Alexandre Dumas. It is the forth of the d'Artagnan Romances, following The Three Musketeers and Twenty Years ...
Twenty Years After by Alexandre Dumas. This title is #2 of the D'Artagnan Romance Series. Plot: The novel follows events in France during the Fronde, during the childhood reign of Louis XIV, and in England near the end of the English Civil War, leading up to the victory of Oliver Cromwell and the execution of King Charles I. Through the words of the main characters, particularly Athos, Dumas comes out on the side of the monarchy in general, or at least the text often praises the idea of benevolent royalty. His musketeers are valiant and just in their efforts to protect young Louis XIV and the...
Twenty Years After by Alexandre Dumas. This title is #2 of the D'Artagnan Romance Series. Plot: The novel follows events in France during the Fronde, ...