The story of the Prodigal Son retold as a sea adventure.... In a cozy Oregon coastal town called Springwick Harbor, Wade Burns' desire is to follow in the footsteps of his adoptive father, Abner, and become the Lighthouse Keeper. But Abner has chosen his natural son Jeshurun as First Assistant and successor. Wade is so jealous of Jeshurun's favor that he decides to do what no sailor in town is brave enough to do: sail away on a cursed vessel called the Vermillion Mourning to become the Keeper of the Hostel Sound Lighthouse. It's a mythical, diabolical place-rumored to cast bent light. Wade...
The story of the Prodigal Son retold as a sea adventure.... In a cozy Oregon coastal town called Springwick Harbor, Wade Burns' desire is to follow in...
The story of a miner who, by braving his fears, discovers the Motherlode.... As an orphan living in the slums of Boston during the Civil War, Sollinger is betrayed by his belated father's partner and sent to prison for 35 years. He is released into the bustling Industrialized America of 1896, minus an eye, and begins his personal quest to find not only his father, if he's alive, but also a vein of gold, even though the Gold Rush has long since passed. Driven west, physically ill, he arrives in Canyon City, where he learns of a mysterious, some say haunted, mine up in the mountains. What he...
The story of a miner who, by braving his fears, discovers the Motherlode.... As an orphan living in the slums of Boston during the Civil War, Sollinge...
Jimmy Tample is determined to make it to the PGA. For the last sixteen years he's been punished for trying, by way of Q School. Four stages. Multiple rounds. One terrifying hole after another. It's so grueling that former PGA players who have been forced to requalify through it, fizzle out. This year, his seventeenth, Jimmy has made it all the way to the last round of the final stage. In a moment, he will earn his Tour card and a few bucks as well, to help pay off a heap of debt. He's in good hands. His caddy happens to be his wife. She knows his game better than anyone. But something...
Jimmy Tample is determined to make it to the PGA. For the last sixteen years he's been punished for trying, by way of Q School. Four stages. Multiple ...