At the center of the saga is the man they must protect...with their lives. This is a story of a scientist who is about to make one of the most important discoveries in the history of a young nation. A n elite military squad - Company 18 - is assigned to ensure that nothing stands between him and his important discovery. Except, others are watching, waiting, determined to cash in on the new raw uranium deposits find...and they will stop at nothing to get to him and know what he knows...
At the center of the saga is the man they must protect...with their lives. This is a story of a scientist who is about to make one of the most importa...
This is a collection of thoughts, ideas, emotions, feelings; things that make us truly human. When we want to express ourselves to others, it is necessary to communicate exactly what we feel. By doing so, we let others into our thoughts, our emotions and we generate a better understanding for them. This is an attempt to communicate some of the greatest, best feelings known to and by man. As you swim through the expressions, see if they do not apply to you; parse them, and within these pages you might find ways to say that which sometimes escapes us.
This is a collection of thoughts, ideas, emotions, feelings; things that make us truly human. When we want to express ourselves to others, it is neces...