Not just fantasy, but a unique blend of 'clear-minded surrealism' and mischievous earthy satire, directed to achieve a powerful end...
Philip Goddard wrote five novels from 1990 to 1993, and "The Hunting-Down of Michael Maus" is the first of these. He approached his literary works as though each was a music composition, indeed all five novels and some of his short stories and poems actually being the literary equivalent of complex, organically structured symphonies, in which ideas, phrases and even individual words are treated like melodic motifs in such a symphony. At that time his...
Not just fantasy, but a unique blend of 'clear-minded surrealism' and mischievous earthy satire, directed to achieve a powerful end...
"Not just fantasy, but a unique blend of 'clear-minded surrealism' and mischievous earthy satire, directed to achieve a powerful end..."
Philip Goddard wrote five novels from 1990 to 1993, and "Dead Pigs" is the second of these. He was at that time gestating as a significant symphonic composer, and he approached his literary works as though they were music compositions, indeed all five novels and some of his short stories and poems actually being the literary equivalent of complex, organically structured symphonies, in which ideas, phrases and even individual words are treated like...
"Not just fantasy, but a unique blend of 'clear-minded surrealism' and mischievous earthy satire, directed to achieve a powerful end..."
Not just fantasy, but a unique blend of 'clear-minded surrealism' and mischievous earthy satire, directed to achieve a powerful end...
Philip Goddard wrote five novels from 1990 to 1993, and Still Life with Strangled Porcupines is the fourth of these. He was at that time gestating as a significant symphonic composer, and he approached his literary works as though they were music compositions, indeed all five novels and some of his short stories and poems actually being the literary equivalent of complex, organically structured symphonies, in which ideas, phrases and even individual words...
Not just fantasy, but a unique blend of 'clear-minded surrealism' and mischievous earthy satire, directed to achieve a powerful end...
Not just fantasy, but a unique blend of 'clear-minded surrealism' and mischievous earthy satire, directed to achieve a powerful end...
Philip Goddard wrote five novels from 1990 to 1993, and Three Blind Executioners is the last of these. He was at that time gestating as a significant symphonic composer, and he approached his literary works as though they were music compositions, indeed all five novels and some of his short stories and poems actually being the literary equivalent of complex, organically structured symphonies, in which ideas, phrases and even individual words are treated...
Not just fantasy, but a unique blend of 'clear-minded surrealism' and mischievous earthy satire, directed to achieve a powerful end...
From the sublime to the delectably absurd - Enjoy the challenge
Here we have the Author's entire output of short stories - fourteen of them - though excluding a few of what he calls 'poem-stories', which latter will appear in his Collected Poetry volume. They were written from 1981 to 1992.
This collection embraces a considerable diversity - from truly short to novella-length, from intently, purposefully, serious (albeit still with a certain humour) to the most preposterous overtly humorous romps, and from simple narrative to a labyrinthine 'symphonically' organised dream-like...
From the sublime to the delectably absurd - Enjoy the challenge
Here we have the Author's entire output of short stories - fourteen of them - th...