In the universe, there exists two kinds of people: Elementals and Non-Elementals. Elementals are those who have the abilities of one or more of the 12 elements: Lightning, fire, water, ice, mountain, crystal, magnetics, gravity, aura, shadow, illuminessence, and wind. 90 light years from Earth, in the Mirus System on the 3rd planet, Mirinia, a 16 year old boy, Marx Lambert, and his friends find themselves caught up in the chaos of the galaxy. An evil man named Kekk Bey of a sinister organization, ShadowFiend, destroys Marx's homeworld and kidnaps a friend, forcing Marx and his friends to...
In the universe, there exists two kinds of people: Elementals and Non-Elementals. Elementals are those who have the abilities of one or more of the 12...