Against the glittering backdrop of New York City, budding theatrical publicist Maxine Kirk, fresh off the bus from a small Pennsylvania town, stumbles into the arms of her beloved teenage crush, unleashing desires that she never imagined. Enter Drew McKenzie, a rising star on Broadway with dashing looks and talent to match, who masquerades behind the characters he portrays. Instantly, Maxine finds herself lured into Drew's high society world only to uncover a complicated man beneath the glitz and glamour of his public persona. As soon as the curtain falls, Drew sheds his stage costumes to...
Against the glittering backdrop of New York City, budding theatrical publicist Maxine Kirk, fresh off the bus from a small Pennsylvania town, stumbles...
Sweeping through the glitz and glamour of New York's high society and the drama unfolding in the dressing rooms of Broadway, WRAPPED, by Juliet Braddock, continues the journey of a young theatrical publicist's foray into submission under the tutelage of a dashingly dark star of the stage. WRAPPED is the second book in the Manhattan Bound Series. When Drew McKenzie presents Maxine Kirk with an ultimatum, challenging her to engage in his wanton brand of desire, she readily embraces her awakening hunger for a lifestyle that defies her perceptions of romance. Entranced by Drew's charming appeal...
Sweeping through the glitz and glamour of New York's high society and the drama unfolding in the dressing rooms of Broadway, WRAPPED, by Juliet Braddo...
On a journey that brought young Maxine Kirk to Drew McKenzie as a novice submissive, the two lovers explored their most salacious fantasies together. BOUND, the fourth book in the "Manhattan Bound" Series by Amazon bestselling author Juliet Braddock, explores how life, love and lust have flourished between these two unlikely lovers over time. Through dungeons and castles in the most glamorous cities around the world, Drew, a rising star on Broadway, brought publicist Maxine's wanton desires to life, indulging her every need with a lavish but honest display of his affection. And in the course...
On a journey that brought young Maxine Kirk to Drew McKenzie as a novice submissive, the two lovers explored their most salacious fantasies together. ...
Spiraling from the bustling streets of New York City to the opulence of Paris, KNOTTED, the third book in Juliet Braddock's Manhattan Bound series, continues the steamy journey of Maxine Kirk's whirlwind romance with star of the Broadway stage, Drew McKenzie. As their love continues to flourish, Maxine finds herself ensconced in Drew's world, where power reigns in his all-consuming lust for her. From a blackout in Manhattan to a back alley in Paris to a castle in the Loire Valley, their passion knows no boundaries. All the while, though, traces from their separate pasts continue to haunt,...
Spiraling from the bustling streets of New York City to the opulence of Paris, KNOTTED, the third book in Juliet Braddock's Manhattan Bound series, co...
Professor Justin Langford is on a mission to teach his star student Sloane Bradford a few lessons in her deepest, dirtiest fantasies. In fact, the last thing he needs is another college girl. Justin wants his very own Baby Girl. After a miscommunication separates them for a decade, fate reunites the reluctant lovers, and Sloane returns, bruised and slightly broken, to Justin. However, he's not given up on his pursuit of Sloane-or on his fantasy. From swing sets to sex shops, Justin challenges Sloane to embrace a life filled with sippy-cups and spankings, all in the name of Daddy's Little...
Professor Justin Langford is on a mission to teach his star student Sloane Bradford a few lessons in her deepest, dirtiest fantasies. In fact, the las...