Twelve-year-old Miguel Ortega embarks on a quest to recover a first-century sword in this fast-paced mystery set in 1812 during California's Early Mission Era. Legend claims that the sword enables its bearer to overcome his enemies. And Spain intends to do just that-to conquer more lands and restore her former glory.
Miguel races to intercept the sale of the sword. On every stage of his journey, threats arise from men and beast to hinder his pursuit. He also faces a conflict within: once he finds the sword, will he be able to destroy it? Revelations inspire him to press on, pointing to...
Twelve-year-old Miguel Ortega embarks on a quest to recover a first-century sword in this fast-paced mystery set in 1812 during California's Early ...
Twelve-year-old Miguel Ortega embarks on a quest to recover a first-century sword in this fast-paced mystery set in 1812 during California's Early Mission Era. Legend claims that the sword enables its bearer to overcome his enemies. And Spain intends to do just that-to conquer more lands and restore her former glory.
Miguel races to intercept the sale of the sword. On every stage of his journey, threats arise from men and beast to hinder his pursuit. He also faces a conflict within: once he finds the sword, will he be able to destroy it? Revelations inspire him to press on, pointing to...
Twelve-year-old Miguel Ortega embarks on a quest to recover a first-century sword in this fast-paced mystery set in 1812 during California's Early ...
When twelve-year-old Frankie Viviana tells his best friend he wants to be a war hero, in no way does he suspect that within one week's time he will be in trouble with the police, the mob, and the Nazis-not to mention his mother. The book opens with Nazi U-Boats bombing supply ships on the eastern seaboard and planning to land spies on the east coast. This fast-paced, middle grade, historical novel gives insight into the sights, sounds, and sentiments of America at war.
When twelve-year-old Frankie Viviana tells his best friend he wants to be a war hero, in no way does he suspect that within one week's time he will be...