This is an historical novel about a Norwegian king, Harald III, who is renowned in Scandinavia but almost unknown elsewhere. He was popularised in a saga written some 150 years after his death, by Snorri Sturluson, which is considered as history by many Scandinavians. I have based this novel on historical facts, which I have embroidered extensively. The dates are correct for the campaigns and events, and all of the major characters existed and made their contribution to history. What sparked my interest in the first place was that if Harald had not invaded just three weeks before William the...
This is an historical novel about a Norwegian king, Harald III, who is renowned in Scandinavia but almost unknown elsewhere. He was popularised in a s...
This is an historical novel about Scandinavian kings of England, and in particular one who would be king, King Harald III of Norway, who is renowned in Scandinavia but almost unknown elsewhere. He was popularised in a saga written some 150 years after his death, by Snorri Sturluson, which is considered as history by many Scandinavians. I have based this novel on historical facts, which I have embroidered extensively. The dates are correct for the campaigns and events, and all of the major characters existed and made their contribution to history. What sparked my interest in the first place...
This is an historical novel about Scandinavian kings of England, and in particular one who would be king, King Harald III of Norway, who is renowned i...
This is an historical novel about Scandinavian kings of England, and those who would be king, especially King Harald III of Norway, who is renowned in Scandinavia but almost unknown elsewhere. He was popularised in a saga written some 150 years after his death, by Snorri Sturluson, which is considered as history by many Scandinavians. I have based this novel on historical facts, which I have embroidered extensively. The dates are correct for the campaigns and events, and all of the major characters existed and made their contribution to history. What sparked my interest in the first place...
This is an historical novel about Scandinavian kings of England, and those who would be king, especially King Harald III of Norway, who is renowned in...
This is an historical novel about the struggle of the Saxons and Danes against the rule of King William the Conqueror after the Battle of Hastings. The resistance had many leaders including: Edgar (grandson of King Edmund Ironside), King Malcolm of Scotland (Edgar's brother-in-law), King Sweyn II of Denmark, Hereward the Wake, Eadric the Wild and King Harold's teenage children. It is generally assumed that after the battle in October 1066 that William was accepted, this was not the case, as I explain in this work. I have based this novel on historical evidence, and all of the principal...
This is an historical novel about the struggle of the Saxons and Danes against the rule of King William the Conqueror after the Battle of Hastings. Th...