Carter Thompson saves the life of a retired Delta Force Colonel and his family in a vicious terrorist attack. Afterwards, the two new friends learn of an elderly couple on the U.S./Mexico border terrorized by a faction of the Mexican cartel. Because the politically correct federal government ignores the senior's pleas for help, the pair decides they must act. In the process, they discover a sinister connection between the cartel and a group backed by ISIS. Pulled into a dangerous series of events they find themselves in a heart-pounding cross-country chase to save thousands and their own way...
Carter Thompson saves the life of a retired Delta Force Colonel and his family in a vicious terrorist attack. Afterwards, the two new friends learn of...
Former FashionExecutive, Buyer and Veteran Merchandiser Melody Edmondson teaches you the secret to selecting the most flattering Silhouettes based on your individual Body Shape and Waistplacement (waist-length) in THE SPACE OF THE WAIST(R) book series and Educational Volumes I, II, and III. this Volume includes all the important Silhouettes selections for the 6 Primary Body Shapes (Circle, Square, Rectangle, Triangle, Inverted Triangle and Hourglass) with Balanced-Waistplacements. See Volume II for Short-Waisted & Volume III for Long-Waisted Body Shapes.
Former FashionExecutive, Buyer and Veteran Merchandiser Melody Edmondson teaches you the secret to selecting the most flattering Silhouettes based on ...