Ancient wisdom can be transmitted from masters of one age to students in another through dreams and visions called "mind-treasures." Mind treasures are teachings found in consciousness rather than sacred objects or texts in the physical world. Open yourself to the treasures herein, deposited long ago for the benefit of the future age in which they have now been found. In the beginning, I did not understand how one collects lessons that have been deposited for safekeeping by those who have gone before. I was about to discover, with eyes wide awake, just how powerfully these lessons can be...
Ancient wisdom can be transmitted from masters of one age to students in another through dreams and visions called "mind-treasures." Mind treasures ar...
The focus in psychology and psychotherapy for most of the twentieth century was on repairing the negatives of symptoms, traumas, disorders and deficits. Then around the turn of the century a refreshing movement began to gain credibility: Positive psychology and positive psychotherapy. Positive psychotherapy contrasts with standard therapeutic interventions for symptoms of mental or emotional dysfunction by increasing positive emotion, engagement, character strengths, and meaning rather than directly targeting negative symptoms. This developing trend is a direct descendent of the humanistic...
The focus in psychology and psychotherapy for most of the twentieth century was on repairing the negatives of symptoms, traumas, disorders and deficit...
Abraham Maslow discovered a natural evolution of adult development, moving through meeting increasingly subtle human needs to self-transcendence and ego surrender. One's ego surrenders by quieting, recognizing itself to be a sibling to other aspects of the psyche rather than a parent or an overlord, and acknowledging the rightful leadership of the ultimate organizing principle within, the Transpersonal Self. The quieting can follow the course of balance, seeking a "quiet-enough ego," or of growth, seeking an "ever-quieter ego." Either choice brings increasing tranquility amidst the challenges...
Abraham Maslow discovered a natural evolution of adult development, moving through meeting increasingly subtle human needs to self-transcendence and e...