Simon et sa tele: Simon etait un enfant heureux qui regardait la television toute la journee, jusqu'au jour ou sa maman lui annonca la mauvaise nouvelle: la television, son compagnon de tant d'heures ne fonctionnait plus. Simon pensa qu'il allait beaucoup s'ennuyer sans sa tele, mais apres s'etre fait des copains, avoir decouvert des jouets, des livres et bien plus encore, il changea d'avis La cage de Leo: C'est l'histoire d'un gamin qui avait une grande cage d'oiseaux dont il prenait bien soin. Un jour, a l'idee de penser que les oiseaux enfermes pouvaient etre tristes malgre les soins...
Simon et sa tele: Simon etait un enfant heureux qui regardait la television toute la journee, jusqu'au jour ou sa maman lui annonca la mauvaise nouvel...
Fernando sin Televisor: Fernando era un nino feliz que miraba la tele todo el dia, hasta que un dia, la mama le dio la mala noticia: el televisor, su companero de tantas horas, no funcionaba. Fernando penso que se aburriria mucho sin mirar TV, pero cuando descubrio amiguitos, juguetes, libros y muchas cosas mas cambio de idea La jaula de Rodrigo: Es la historia de un nino que tenia una gran jaula con pajaros que cuidaba mucho. Un dia, ante la idea de lo triste que puede ser vivir encerrado, a pesar de los cuidados, Rodrigo tiene una pesadilla que lo ayudara a tomar una gran decision: dejar a...
Fernando sin Televisor: Fernando era un nino feliz que miraba la tele todo el dia, hasta que un dia, la mama le dio la mala noticia: el televisor, su ...
Fred's TV: Fred was a happy kid watching TV all day, until one day, his mummy told him the bad news: the TV, his companion of so many hours was broken. Fred thought that he would get bored all the time without his TV, but after he had made new friends, found toys, books and much more, he changed his mind Rody's Cage: The story of a kid who cares a lot for his big birdcage. One day, thinking that locked up birds could be a sad idea, and despite care, Rody has a nightmare that will help him to make an important decision: let his birds fly free. Finally the child opens the door of the cage, so...
Fred's TV: Fred was a happy kid watching TV all day, until one day, his mummy told him the bad news: the TV, his companion of so many hours was broken...