Gripping mystical tale set in medieval Bohemia. After she has been charged with witchcraft, sixteen-year-old Talitha escapes to the abandoned Cursed Lands and seeks the ancient cave of her ancestors. In the deep woods, she starts to remember her ancestral lore of healing and magical symbolism and receives guidance on how to survive from the local spirits. Soon after she's captured by two men, who were sent to take her to the local justice. One is a brute while the other is fatally attracted to her. Once Talitha manages to escape them, she finds her ancestral cave, but also another one at the...
Gripping mystical tale set in medieval Bohemia. After she has been charged with witchcraft, sixteen-year-old Talitha escapes to the abandoned Cursed L...
Fourteen-year-old Lisa is an incorrigible dreamer obsessed with a hero from a medieval novel she's been reading, guard Tertius. Eventually, Tertius starts to manifest in Lisa's life and the two lost souls begin helping each other with their romantic dilemmas. Lisa finds herself drawn to her scoundrelly classmate and Tertius longs to reunite with the love of his life despite the depressingly written destiny. Besides losing herself in fiction, Lisa also wishes to reconcile with her father, an erratic painter whose crazy mind always finds something out-of-ordinary to focus on. Manifested (aka My...
Fourteen-year-old Lisa is an incorrigible dreamer obsessed with a hero from a medieval novel she's been reading, guard Tertius. Eventually, Tertius st...