Contributor Jenny Mathews once said that when everything else was lost, when all else was gone, that the makers would remain. Rockford does, indeed, possess an abundance of such individuals: the makers, the dreamers, the writers, the poets, the musicians, the artisans, the craftspeople, and the volunteers. It is through their generosity of spirit that this book came to be. A small group of Rockford's makers came together as one to share some of the city's historic tales, as well as some of their own stories, poems, art, and photography. All of this, in an effort to create a gestalt - an...
Contributor Jenny Mathews once said that when everything else was lost, when all else was gone, that the makers would remain. Rockford does, indeed, p...
Just beneath the glossy surface of Rockford's rich heritage lies a dark history of tragedy. The city's troubled and turbulent past left scars that still resonate today. Geraldine Bourbon's final struggle still echoes throughout the farmhouse where her estranged husband pursued her with a pistol from room to room before gently laying her corpse on the bed. The sobs of society darling Carrie Spafford still keep vigil over the family plot of the cemetery where she sowed the heartbreak of her twilight years. From the vengeance of Chief Big Thunder to the Witch of McGregor Road, author Kathi...
Just beneath the glossy surface of Rockford's rich heritage lies a dark history of tragedy. The city's troubled and turbulent past left scars that sti...