The Sound of Seagulls is a dark thriller set in England in the eighties. On the night of the Great Storm in 1987, Eddowes gets himself a new job at a seafront hotel run by a local gangster. The hotel had recently been in the news after an unexplained death in Room 14. At 1.13am each night Eddowes wakes up and walks through the past of the hotel and sees the events that took place there. A drunken old man drowns, a girl has jumped to her death off the hotel's roof, an old nemesis is found dead after being struck by a car on the seafront, the hotel's chef is found dead on the beach. He can see...
The Sound of Seagulls is a dark thriller set in England in the eighties. On the night of the Great Storm in 1987, Eddowes gets himself a new job at a ...