As a self-employed person or small business owner, when you consider the mountain of investment and capital needs you're solely responsible for and the lack of matching employer contributions, saving for retirement feels like an impossible uphill battle-but it doesn't have to be. With a Solo 401(k) you can manage your own investments and leverage your assets to not only actively grow your retirement wealth but also support your current life and business goals.
Discover America's best-kept retirement secret and find out whether you're eligible to participate in one of the various...
As a self-employed person or small business owner, when you consider the mountain of investment and capital needs you're solely responsible for and...
The entrepreneurial spirit is the backbone of our nation's success. It's in our DNA to dream of becoming a business owner. The hard part is finding the finances.
"Turning Retirement Funds Into Start-Up Dreams" is the next best thing to a private consultation with author Adam Bergman, Esq., a leading expert on IRAs and 401(k) plans. And what you'll discover is that investing in yourself with your own retirement funds could be a viable option for you under the right circumstances.
This book provides a detailed analysis of various ways you can finance a business venture, including using...
The entrepreneurial spirit is the backbone of our nation's success. It's in our DNA to dream of becoming a business owner. The hard part is finding...
Did you know that IRA funds can be invested in real estate and much more without tax or penalty? Your financial advisor may not be informing you of all the investment options at your disposal. Unfortunately, you are not alone. However, luckily, it is easier than it seems.
In this new introduction to the self-directed IRA, tax attorney Adam Bergman, Esq., gives readers the foundation to begin their journey toward unlocking a world of investment opportunities through the self-directed IRA. The simple building blocks he provides will help readers navigate the world of self-directed...
Did you know that IRA funds can be invested in real estate and much more without tax or penalty? Your financial advisor may not be informing you of...