The Adventures of Noldo and his Magical Scooter: Noldo Saves the Day is the story of a Mexican American boy who is magically transported from 1950s San Antonio, Texas, on the scooter he builds with his own hands to witness an historical turning point in relations between the U.S. and Mexico in the early 20th century. On this adventure, he finds himself in El Paso, Texas, in May 1911 on the eve of rebellion. Noldo befriends a couple of Mexican American boys who sell newspapers for a pro-rebel newspaper. One of the boys races Noldo on a scooter he's made-with hilarious results. As fighting...
The Adventures of Noldo and his Magical Scooter: Noldo Saves the Day is the story of a Mexican American boy who is magically transported from 1950s Sa...
The Adventures of Noldo and His Magical Scooter / Noldo faces the Hard Times is the story of a Mexican American boy who, thanks to the scooter he builds with his own hands, is magically transported from 1950's San Antonio, Texas, to 1937 at the height of the Great Depression. On his adventure, he lives through the hard times his elders endured when jobs were scarce, food was barely enough to survive on, and most people were poor and lived day to day. We learn first-hand how workers in the barrio united to protest low wages and bad working conditions, creating a strong sense of community and...
The Adventures of Noldo and His Magical Scooter / Noldo faces the Hard Times is the story of a Mexican American boy who, thanks to the scooter he buil...