"These damn things are as hot as a stiff cock." - JULIA CHILD As one of the most famous coq-handlers of all time, Mrs. Child should know what she's talking about. A F Owlpun's (get it?) "50 Shades of Coq: A Parody Cookbook For Lovers of White Coq, Dark Coq, and All Shades Between" promises to be one of the most cherished and wholesome family books to appear since 50 Shades of Grey. It contains recipes. Many recipes. Up to 50 of them. All containing chicken, or as the French like to titter, "Coq." So there you have it. It's a book for cooking. Why anyone would want to cook at home is beyond...
"These damn things are as hot as a stiff cock." - JULIA CHILD As one of the most famous coq-handlers of all time, Mrs. Child should know what she's ta...