A chance meeting in a Chicago bar between Boris Wylinski and Izanagi Kikimora leads to an unlikely partnership. Their encounter sets in motion a desperate battle against corporate giants, nefarious gangsters and the two men's troubled pasts. This explosive, revenge-fuelled novel is the first collaboration between Scott Ringenbach and Christopher P Bartlett. Please note that there is some bad language and violent scenes in this book which may be unsuitable for readers of a sensitive disposition.
A chance meeting in a Chicago bar between Boris Wylinski and Izanagi Kikimora leads to an unlikely partnership. Their encounter sets in motion a despe...
A chance meeting in a Chicago bar brings together Boris Wylinski and Izanagi Kikimora and puts them on a collision course with corporate giants, nefarious gangsters and the shadows of each man's troubled past. This explosive revenge-fuelled thriller spanning three continents is the first collaboration between Scott Ringenbach and Christopher P Bartlett. Please note that there is some bad language and violent scenes in this book which may be unsuitable for readers of a sensitive disposition.
A chance meeting in a Chicago bar brings together Boris Wylinski and Izanagi Kikimora and puts them on a collision course with corporate giants, nefar...