Of Everything I Once Loved is the next book in the series of stream of consciousness poetry that immediately follows All Out War. Picking up where we left off, Taylor has just been released from incarceration and so begins a 36-month term of felony probation. Figuring out who we really are later in life is often about discarding all of the things we've stacked upon us along the way. Of Everything I Once Loved is letting go. When we clear the clutter of the past away, under all the shit we've collected, there lies a beautiful beaming gem. To find this marvel of life is a gift we can continue...
Of Everything I Once Loved is the next book in the series of stream of consciousness poetry that immediately follows All Out War. Picking up where we ...
In the winter of 2007, Taylor witnessed the painful last days of his mentor, best friend and father come to an end. Picking up the pen just days after his passing, these poems are the words that fell from the sky. Going back to the days when the only way to express oneself was to just let words flow to paper. Learning to grow, living to strive and failing at all costs, these are the poems of the emotional journey of losing a parent. Like This is how it feels to be alive.
In the winter of 2007, Taylor witnessed the painful last days of his mentor, best friend and father come to an end. Picking up the pen just days after...
Solitary Man is the fifth book in the autobiographical series of stream of consciousness poetry by Robert Paul Taylor. Solitary Man is filled with prayer, desire, deep romance and the shinning light of God that can no longer be denied. Taylor considers this book some of his finest work to date. Mature and thriving, Solitary Man is his most prized publication yet.
Solitary Man is the fifth book in the autobiographical series of stream of consciousness poetry by Robert Paul Taylor. Solitary Man is filled with pra...