Can a team of teenagers from another planet help change the world? Six months after fifteen year old Mia McAdams lands on the secret planet Usonia, a shipment of Earth's most brilliant individuals descends on the colony. Tasked with speeding up progress on the utopic planet, the determined and ambitious new arrivals aren't afraid to ruffle a few Usonian feathers. Meanwhile, Mia is preparing to say goodbye to her idyllic new life on Usonia, leaving her boyfriend and first love, Noah behind. Joined by her best friend Stella, her devilishly charming new teammate Kale, and a host of Usonians, Mia...
Can a team of teenagers from another planet help change the world? Six months after fifteen year old Mia McAdams lands on the secret planet Usonia, a ...
Planet Earth has been wiped out after the most final war in history. The last remaining survivors have made it to the planet Usonia - a secret colony built after the second world war to protect the human race in the event of nuclear warfare. A utopian world that puts equality, freedom, peace and the planet above all. A glittering world devoid of pollution, banks, governments and police. The final shipment from Earth is scheduled to descend on the planet. The planet's resources are already stretched to the limits and the Usonians have been working all hours to prepare for the mass arrival of...
Planet Earth has been wiped out after the most final war in history. The last remaining survivors have made it to the planet Usonia - a secret colony ...