The story of Nshira, a humble, kind, beautiful village girl in Ghana who is constantly mistreated by her evil step mother and step sister. However, on the night of the ball, with a little help from some magical friends will make her dreams come true.
The story of Nshira, a humble, kind, beautiful village girl in Ghana who is constantly mistreated by her evil step mother and step sister. However,...
Just Indian gives a glimpse into the life of a modern Native American boy. As he tries to find out how he fits into this world, he also tries to break the mold of the negative Native stereotype. With the help of his elaborate daydreams, he is able to communicate with his ancestors and go on an amazing journey to Whale Beach, Lake Tahoe. During his journey he discovers a hidden talent he never knew he had and learns how to connect his rich past to modern times.
Just Indian gives a glimpse into the life of a modern Native American boy. As he tries to find out how he fits into this world, he also tries to br...