In the year 2266 after a series of long protracted battles with the first alien life forms ever contacted, called the Trandute, Earth has unified in to a single government for better protection of the planet. This new political and military organization called the Terrestrial Coalition, has at its disposal 15 "Earth Class" starships which it uses for defense, but also for the peaceful purpose of research and exploration. One of these starships, the United States, Captained by John Henry Littleton has been tasked with studying a neutron star out along the furthest borders of explored space....
In the year 2266 after a series of long protracted battles with the first alien life forms ever contacted, called the Trandute, Earth has unified in t...
After learning a year ago that humans most hated enemy the Trandute had made massive technological gains the Terrestrial Coalition is now playing catch up and needs all the help they can find. When a mysterious race of beings, humanity until now only speculated exist, called "The Hidden," suddenly has their own concerns with the Trandute, things take an interesting turn. Now the crew of the United States must use all their courage and skill to make alliances with alien species that could just as easily wipe them out of the universe, as give them a helping hand.
After learning a year ago that humans most hated enemy the Trandute had made massive technological gains the Terrestrial Coalition is now playing catc...