Paying for college is dangerously expensive The greatest risk of preparing for your dream job with a college education is the common mistake of borrowing Student Loans to pay for tuition. The fact is that colleges and universities are purposely raising the cost of education to make a profit and lenders are raising interest rates at record highs Consider the trend over the last three years: The college graduate class of 2013 owed an average of $28,400 in student loan debt upon graduation, up 2% from the class of 2012. The average student loan debt for the class of 2013 exceeded $30,000. The...
Paying for college is dangerously expensive The greatest risk of preparing for your dream job with a college education is the common mistake of borro...
Life can be effortless, easy, and ultimately good to us when we change what we believe about our lives during negative experiences. Through my own self-reflection, I have identified six general negative sayings and beliefs that I believe and state during negative situations....the moment I began adjusting my own negative beliefs, is the moment Life became effortlessly easy and amazingly good. As a result of this self-discovery I wish to share my personal negative beliefs and declarations with you so that you can better identify your own and be able to adjust them in order to fully love your...
Life can be effortless, easy, and ultimately good to us when we change what we believe about our lives during negative experiences. Through my own sel...