One Terrorist Exposes a World Domination Plot Racing to save lives on the island of Mindanao forces the Crossfire Team into an all-out war with a violent branch of the Abu Sayaf terrorists in the Philippine Islands. They uncover a new major threat based in the Middle East that is only days away from being unleashed on the world through a powerful union of world crime and terror organizations. The Team members' are challenged as they work with others to prevent the all-out destruction of the Western World. The overlords controlling these terrorists have already begun their takeover of the...
One Terrorist Exposes a World Domination Plot Racing to save lives on the island of Mindanao forces the Crossfire Team into an all-out war with a vio...
Satanists violently attack Christian teenagers on a Colorado highway Out of concern, Jack and Laura Malone intervene and are thrust into a new level of spiritual warfare by the people using the Satanists. Colliding with an anti-Christian organization, the team unexpectedly find themselves powerfully out-matched. When one of the team is kidnapped, the Crossfire Team must go on the offensive to save them. Adding new members to the team they are provided with a new capability by God and they discover the evil plans the organization has for the country. As the organization blackmails the...
Satanists violently attack Christian teenagers on a Colorado highway Out of concern, Jack and Laura Malone intervene and are thrust into a new level ...
Cruel, maniacal, and very deadly Chun Xiaoping, a distant descendant of the last Emperor, fantasizes about his rightful position as the NEXT Emperor of China. As a powerful and high ranking member of the Chinese government, Chun will use ALL of China's power to ascend to the throne. A devious and evil inspiration leads Chun to viciously attack members of the Crossfire Team to steal an artifact that the darkness wants desperately, by implying that the artifact is necessary for Chun to reach the throne. As the conflict rages, Chun lures the Team into China to save hundreds of American lives....
Cruel, maniacal, and very deadly Chun Xiaoping, a distant descendant of the last Emperor, fantasizes about his rightful position as the NEXT Emperor o...
CRISIS IN ISRAEL Responding to a request from an Ally in distress, the President of the U.S. urgently asks Jack and Laura Malone, along with Mark Connelly, to assist the Israeli Mossad and their agent Sarah Cohen in a covert effort to stop the terror threat. Attacked as soon as they arrive in the small nation, the team takes casualties and within hours of their arrival, a terrorist assassination attack on the team realizes a devastating result. This new untried Crossfire Team, with limited combat experience, must rely on God to find a way to help the Mossad in stopping the devastating...
CRISIS IN ISRAEL Responding to a request from an Ally in distress, the President of the U.S. urgently asks Jack and Laura Malone, along with Mark Con...
WHY? From quiet and calm to sudden onrushing injury and death, the Crossfire Team members struggle to understand the multiple attacks They are desperate to find out who is behind these evil attempts on their lives, before someone gets killed. Before they can figure out who is behind the continuous assaults, they are unexpectedly invited by a reclusive Billionaire to his island in the South Pacific. Could it be another setup? Further confusing this situation they clearly hear from God that He wants them to go. Jack and Laura find themselves imprisoned under a sentence of torture and death....
WHY? From quiet and calm to sudden onrushing injury and death, the Crossfire Team members struggle to understand the multiple attacks They are desper...
Religious persecution turns deadly for Mark and Sarah Connelly, when Billionaire Victor Chamberlain asks them for assistance in a country located half way around the world. Investigation uncovers a sinister plot involving the imminent deaths of thousands of Christians and Jews at the hands of zealous followers of Zultar After seeking God's will, the Crossfire Team travels to join their lives to those of the condemned believers, by returning to Zyngola to challenge the Zyngolian moon god. On this day of evil will they be able to stand against the unseen dark forces or can they fight, not with...
Religious persecution turns deadly for Mark and Sarah Connelly, when Billionaire Victor Chamberlain asks them for assistance in a country located half...
A Revenge-fueled hate in the heart of a Mega Rich Texan, becomes a fierce obsession to destroy an entire country in retaliation. The Crossfire Team members, Sarah and Laura are facing men, backed by an evil darkness as they are being hunted in Dallas The Team, without the support of POTUS and the military, must battle alone through a firestorm of politics and mercenaries in their attempts to stop the plans of the terrorist group. Out-manned, out-gunned, and racing against time to catch up, the Crossfire Team desperately seeks any way to prevent the attacks. How can they achieve this? Is...
A Revenge-fueled hate in the heart of a Mega Rich Texan, becomes a fierce obsession to destroy an entire country in retaliation. The Crossfire Team me...
The assault came without warning . . . Damage and death to four Team members causes the Crossfire Team to take the battle to the secret organization that has unlimited funds, governments in their pocket, and vast array of mercenary troops. As the Team continues to strike against the Omicron Cartel they discover an even more sinister operation. God needs the Team to eliminate the ominous threat which is within a week of wiping out an entire race of people As if that wasn't enough, an unstoppable nuclear-powered demonic breakout from a secret laboratory (that the Russians won't even admit...
The assault came without warning . . . Damage and death to four Team members causes the Crossfire Team to take the battle to the secret organization t...
Battling evil darkness in the human realm The Crossfire Team's accelerating warfare attracts an ancient evil whose desire is to see the team DEAD While pursuing the cause of millions of deaths, the Team battles through Germany against the malevolent spirit and his earthly agent. Returning to the United States, God immediately gives the Team a second mission to rescue several hundred hostages. During the mission, the team suddenly find themselves running from two divisions of enemy troops armed with tanks. Standing for God against insurmountable odds, the Team finds themselves trapped with...
Battling evil darkness in the human realm The Crossfire Team's accelerating warfare attracts an ancient evil whose desire is to see the team DEAD Wh...