Witnessing Truth is about the author's personal spiritual experiences before and after coming into the folds of Islam, through the medium of visions, dreams and near-death experiences. The books illustrates how one can avoid troubles and find their mission in life. It gives guidance to the correct path of life leading to the pleasure of God.
Witnessing Truth is about the author's personal spiritual experiences before and after coming into the folds of Islam, through the medium of visions, ...
40 Authentic Hadith are about true authentic tradition and sayings of the holy Prophet Muhammad (S) on the issues of creation, the wives of Cain and Abel, the Covenant with God, his holy Ahlul-Bait (AMS), and the Divine Choice of Allah as the Guidance for all mankind and Jinn
40 Authentic Hadith are about true authentic tradition and sayings of the holy Prophet Muhammad (S) on the issues of creation, the wives of Cain and A...
Secrets are about the many question we all have, but who can not find anyone to answer correctly. Secrets is a historical religious documentary about creation, the many secrets in the creation of light, the universe, earth, the Angels, Jinns (Aliens), and humans. The book gives a great deal of detail into the secret creation of Eve for example, and the wives of Cain and Abel, and well as the wives of Seth. How humans can deal with the issues of life in a more successful manner. All religions of the world have many secrets that can help the human soul grow to be successful, both in this life...
Secrets are about the many question we all have, but who can not find anyone to answer correctly. Secrets is a historical religious documentary about ...
Secrets, Volume 1 ended with the advent of the Seal of Prophets, Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, the Rasulullah (Messenger of Allah), and the trials and tribulations of the new Muslims. Secrets, Vol. 2 is about the Astral Journey taken by the holy Prophet Muhammad (S), through the Galaxies and the on to the Heavens, about the big secret that was told to him by Allah concerning his true Successors, and the Divine Appointment of the Wilayat to be his Successors. It talks about the many trial and tribulations the holy Prophet and the new Muslims had to go through. How the Prophet had to eventually move...
Secrets, Volume 1 ended with the advent of the Seal of Prophets, Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, the Rasulullah (Messenger of Allah), and the trials and tribul...
Angelo Niles MS Sakina Nura Zaky MR Mustafa Rafiq Saddiq
The Runes of Ghaz, the Coral Saga is a trilogy set in a future realm, the Coral Galaxy. The Chronicles of Ghaz begins with the prologue Dawn's Starphire. On Tyre, the third moon of planet Lynx, Earl Dagarth gets teleported to ancient Ghaz, where he is proclaimed as the Awaited One, and soon enthralled in an epic war of the worlds. Despite their mystic powers, the Ambri are no match for the invading Terjj swarm. "It's a good adventure, easily read." - Tyree Campbell, Scifaikuest.
The Runes of Ghaz, the Coral Saga is a trilogy set in a future realm, the Coral Galaxy. The Chronicles of Ghaz begins with the prologue Dawn's Starphi...