The Six Power Moves of Chess could be called -The Missing Chess Lesson, - because -The Six Power Move Thinking Process- is what is needed most by most players and what is missing from the chess books on your bookshelf. Nothing will improve your game faster than this revolutionary insight into chess which shows the unifying force to both strategy and tactics. Many players don't need to -get better- or learn more per se, what they need is a different model for choosing the best moves. The Six Power Moves are the key to the skillful jousting and maneuvering of the chess pieces in unknown and...
The Six Power Moves of Chess could be called -The Missing Chess Lesson, - because -The Six Power Move Thinking Process- is what is needed most by most...
Speak Czech Badly is a trademark of the Speak a foreign language Badly book and audio series. Unlike a phrase book which allows you to say only what is included there, and unlike a language course which takes far too long for most people's purposes, The Language Brain enables you to create novel statements, questions and sentences, and yes, like it says on the cover, in minutes. (That is, after you make it through my lengthy explanations.: -) By using the guided approach offered here, you can learn to create a lot of language in little time. By speaking immediately, you will internalize the...
Speak Czech Badly is a trademark of the Speak a foreign language Badly book and audio series. Unlike a phrase book which allows you to say only what i...