The timeless treasures found in the book of Nehemiah give practical advice for leadership in one's personal and professional life. Relevant Leadership Revolutionary Results is designed to move people forward through giving sound principles and systems that work regardless of what stage of life or profession you are in. This book helps you define you -why, - or -purpose, - and then helps you develop a plan and accountability system in order to achieve your goals and build character in the process. It discusses the PDCA process, (Plan, Do, Check, Adjust), which when applied to any desired goal,...
The timeless treasures found in the book of Nehemiah give practical advice for leadership in one's personal and professional life. Relevant Leadership...
This workbook is meant to inspire growth, pinpoint areas to be developed, and encourage you to think through questions that will spur you on to being a better leader. This workbook is not all-encompassing, and in fact, you'll find a series of blanks at the end of each section for you to write your own questions and explore the depths of your thoughts as you use these principals in your surroundings. Whether you're a CEO of a major corporation, a cook at a fast-food restaurant, a stay-at-home mom, a retiree, or anything and everything in between, there are truths that you can glean from this...
This workbook is meant to inspire growth, pinpoint areas to be developed, and encourage you to think through questions that will spur you on to being ...
El tesoro intemporal que se encuentra en el libro de Nehemias da consejos practicos para el liderazgo en la vida personal y profesional de cada quien. Liderazgo Relevante Resultados Revolucionarios esta disenado para mover a la gente hacia adelante a traves de dar principios y sistemas de sonido que funcionan independientemente de en que etapa de sus vidas o profesiones esten. Este libro le ayuda a definir su "porque" o "proposito," y luego le ayuda a desarrollar un sistema de plan y rendicion de las cuentas a fin de alcanzar sus metas y construir su caracter en el proceso. Se discute el...
El tesoro intemporal que se encuentra en el libro de Nehemias da consejos practicos para el liderazgo en la vida personal y profesional de cada quien....
English Made Easier 3 is the third book in the EME series. It's intent is to begin moving the learner from rudimentary language to a more complex language.
English Made Easier 3 is the third book in the EME series. It's intent is to begin moving the learner from rudimentary language to a more complex lang...
Want to learn English? This is a great place to start. This book is designed for Chinese speakers, though it can be used by others. Other translations are planned to be available soon A natural way to learn a language through conversation, grammar, vocabulary, and practice.
Want to learn English? This is a great place to start. This book is designed for Chinese speakers, though it can be used by others. Other translations...