""I know that the stereotypes of the United States are out there, ...by television shows and movies and misinformation."" FORMER PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA This book premise is simple: The world is often misled, as President Obama opined, to see the United States through the icons its pop culture has produced. .".".it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."" President Obama long held that the world could be improved, that...
""I know that the stereotypes of the United States are out there, ...by television shows and movies and misinformation."" FORMER PRESIDENT BARACK OBAM...
BMW is an unusual mouse having remarkably keen hearing and enormous ears that he has been part of our space agency's search for messages from outer space.
Logically, with the billions of galaxies out there, it would be peculiar if our earth was the only one with people. Actually, BMW failed to hear any messages from space while orbiting in his space capsule, but what he did hear lead to his being honored by our president. His story is told by a professor he befriended by chance after making a nest in the professor's old car called a BMW.
BMW is an unusual mouse having remarkably keen hearing and enormous ears that he has been part of our space agency's search for messages from outer...