A week away from graduating college and all Hannah Summers has to do is make it across campus in high heels without falling over, turn in her senior thesis, and meet Carl, her very nice boyfriend, for dinner with his rather awful parents. A straightforward plan. What could possibly go wrong? Unfortunately for her, quite a bit. The Greek gods she'd studied in school are about to put a major wrinkle in her carefully crafted future. Though the Olympians are no longer worshiped, they are immortal and need to make their way in the modern world. Apollo, god of the Sun, meets a publicist who...
A week away from graduating college and all Hannah Summers has to do is make it across campus in high heels without falling over, turn in her senio...
Hannah's life is right on course. Her job might appear to be a dusty exercise in tending antique texts, but it has secret parameters that would blow the mind of the average student at Whitfield University. And she has saved enough money to go on her very first trip out of the country, with her new friend, Gretchen. They scoured the internet for travel bargains and pulled together a week-long cruise of the Grecian Isles. Sure, the cruise line was in chapter eleven and had advised them to bring their own drinking water, and yes, their airline was literally called "Fly By Night Air" with an...
Hannah's life is right on course. Her job might appear to be a dusty exercise in tending antique texts, but it has secret parameters that would blow t...