The hit comic book series based on Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland's hilarious adult swim] animated show RICK & MORTY continues Catch up on the adventures of degenerate genius Rick Sanchez and his bumbling grandson Morty as they explore the outer reaches of time, space, and decency. This collection features issues #6-10 of the comic book series, including the "Ball Fondlers Special" by guest artist Andrew MacLean, "A Very Special Blumbus," illustrated by series writer Zac Gorman, and a cyberpunk adventure across the multiverse. Plus: bonus mini-comics showcasing fan-favorite characters...
The hit comic book series based on Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland's hilarious adult swim] animated show RICK & MORTY continues Catch up on the ad...
Catch up on the adventures of degenerate genius Rick Sanchez and his bumbling grandson Morty as they explore the outer reaches of time, space, and how much of Jerry one person can take. This volume features Eisner-nominated writer Kyle Starks (Sexcastle) in collaboration with series artist CJ Cannon in a three-issue story about the despicable Doofus Jerry and his attempt to take over the multiverse. Also included is the uncanny and sinister -Morty Shines, - drawn by artist Marc Ellerby, the action-packed return of Tiny Rick in -Honey, I Shrunk The Ricks, - drawn by Kyle Starks. Plus:...
Catch up on the adventures of degenerate genius Rick Sanchez and his bumbling grandson Morty as they explore the outer reaches of time, space, and how...