Every day you make decisions and face problems that need to be solved. You might feel that you should be making better decisions and finding better solutions to your problems. But, you may not know what to do. You may feel your relationships aren't as good as they should be. You may want to have supportive relationships with your family and friends, or feel that you should be getting along better with your partner, spouse, or children. But you aren't sure where to begin. You may feel that you should be doing better at work. You would like to get along better with your coworkers and boss. You...
Every day you make decisions and face problems that need to be solved. You might feel that you should be making better decisions and finding better so...
Some businesses grow and become successful, while others stagnate and decline. Some business adapt to change, while others become stuck in the past. So, what makes the difference? All businesses face challenges, but what makes the difference depends on their version of social reality. Social reality is what we do about the physical reality we encounter. So, how does your current social reality help or hurt you from being successful? Communicating is how we create social reality, which can help to manage uncertainty. Understanding how communicating works to manage uncertainty can be helpful in...
Some businesses grow and become successful, while others stagnate and decline. Some business adapt to change, while others become stuck in the past. S...