Come fly with Captain Ray Lemmon, United Airlines (retired), as he shares the fascinating story of his life and career as an airline pilot and airplane hobbyist. Starting with his Depression-era childhood, Lemmon tells of growing up during World War II, serving in the Army during the Korean Conflict, and finally achieving his dream of becoming an airline pilot with Capital and United Airlines during the emergence of the Jet Age, the mid-century years of growth and turbulence for the airline industry. Lemmon also writes about owning, restoring and flying vintage airplanes and his adventures...
Come fly with Captain Ray Lemmon, United Airlines (retired), as he shares the fascinating story of his life and career as an airline pilot and airplan...
Come fly with Captain Ray Lemmon, United Airlines (retired), as he shares the fascinating story of his life and career as an airline pilot and airplane hobbyist. Starting with his Depression-era childhood, Lemmon tells of growing up during World War II, serving in the Army during the Korean Conflict, and finally achieving his dream of becoming an airline pilot with Capital and United Airlines during the emergence of the Jet Age, the mid-century years of growth and turbulence for the airline industry. Lemmon also writes about owning, restoring and flying vintage airplanes and his adventures...
Come fly with Captain Ray Lemmon, United Airlines (retired), as he shares the fascinating story of his life and career as an airline pilot and airplan...