The award winning animated film "Christmas Is Here Again" comes to life on stage A family-friendly musical in the vein of "Frosty the Snowman" and "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," this charming, heartfelt odyssey centers on a high-spirited and curious little orphan girl, Sophiana, who lives in a time where there is no Christmas. When Sophiana learns Santa's enchanted toy sack was stolen by a nefarious elf, she sets out to find it and bring back Christmas Incorporating a digital package of still and animated images created by Michael Giaimo, art director of the film "Frozen," "Christmas Is...
The award winning animated film "Christmas Is Here Again" comes to life on stage A family-friendly musical in the vein of "Frosty the Snowman" and "R...
The riotous tale of mistaken identities and unexpected romance explodes in this brand new musical comedy based on the Tony award nominated play. It's 1934 and Opera virtuoso Tito Merelli is about to revive Otello for the ten-year anniversary of the Cleveland Grand Opera Company. When Tito becomes unexpectedly incapacitated, a suitable replacement must be found. Max, the Opera Director's sheepish assistant, is charged with the daunting task of finding a suitable replacement. Who is cavalier enough to replace him? With the help of a menacing soprano, a tenor-struck ingenue, a jealous wife, and...
The riotous tale of mistaken identities and unexpected romance explodes in this brand new musical comedy based on the Tony award nominated play. It's ...