Curse of Zyanya is the sequel to the Harrington Curse as the criminal world reporters return to investigate further activities with the cursed mirrors. This time, they discover the origins of the mirrors and with danger and strange phenomenon around every corner. Ruth Ashley, the psychiatric nurse, is invited back to help with enquiries as Fiona and Harrison investigate a strange murder, while Samantha and Elliot travel to Spain, delving into families' past also linked to the mystery of the cursed mirrors. As the story unravels, the team of crime reporters find themselves deeply involved in...
Curse of Zyanya is the sequel to the Harrington Curse as the criminal world reporters return to investigate further activities with the cursed mirrors...
The definition of cursed is damned. A curse is an appeal or prayer for evil or misfortune to befall someone, to invoke supernatural powers in order to bring harm to someone. In ancient times, this was used in witchcraft or other forms of medieval sorcery. Cursed is the combined story of the Harrington curse, the curse of Zyanya following the trail of a curse that has lasted centuries and finally is revealed in a massive conclusion at the end in final chapter of Cursed. Never has there been a more bloody experience related as this in the entire history of the world as the twenty-first century...
The definition of cursed is damned. A curse is an appeal or prayer for evil or misfortune to befall someone, to invoke supernatural powers in order to...