This book represents a sampling of how many communities through America were founded by descendants of slaves, slave masters and some of the slave master's children; and also other slaves bought from other states and nations in the world (mostly Africa). These slaves developed a social economic cultural, religious life that rivals any nation or people. It documents their experiences and represents a continuum of determined people to survive in a hostile and changing environment in the total world. A great portion of the information for this book grew out of history passed on to the...
This book represents a sampling of how many communities through America were founded by descendants of slaves, slave masters and some of the slave ...
This book is a collection of poems by the author about abused children, with a section for lullabies. The majority of mothers and fathers seek and reach out for the highest goals for their children. However, mothers bear most of the responsibility when the children are very young. Both the mother and father must be involved and share this responsibility. There is a strong bond between mother and child. However, some children fall by the wayside, and our hopes and dreams fall. Our reach is beyond our grasp. We do not always know why children are as they are. It may be the environment and...
This book is a collection of poems by the author about abused children, with a section for lullabies. The majority of mothers and fathers seek and ...