Cheerful Popcorn the canary lives at Harriet's House with his colorful bird friends. One day he decides to spread his wings and accidentally finds himself in a strange, new place.
Cheerful Popcorn the canary lives at Harriet's House with his colorful bird friends. One day he decides to spread his wings and accidentally finds him...
C.C. Finds the Fearless Finch resumes where Popcorn's Adventure ends. C.C., which is short for "Chickadee the Charming," wants to visit her new friend, Popcorn the canary. The thing is, Popcorn isn't an outside bird like C.C. and lives inside Harriet's House. Undaunted, the determined little bird discovers a way in and finds what she is looking for - and then some Just like Popcorn's Adventure, the illustrations in C.C. Finds the Fearless Finch are true to the appearance of their real counterparts - a nice learning tool for young readers.
C.C. Finds the Fearless Finch resumes where Popcorn's Adventure ends. C.C., which is short for "Chickadee the Charming," wants to visit her new friend...