Man is created in the image and likeness of the Lord God. Too much religion But is it? When you look at yourself carefully, you would see the identity of the Lord God on you. You do not need any Holy Scripture or anybody to inform you that a Three-in-One God created you. Your facial features are three in one. Your entire body, your hands, your legs, your fingers, your toes, the lines on your palms and virtually everything you see around you that you can ascribe the direct creation of the Lord God. You would see the mark or the stamp that the Lord has placed on them, just as on your own self....
Man is created in the image and likeness of the Lord God. Too much religion But is it? When you look at yourself carefully, you would see the identit...
Many religious proponents ascribe your existence to one being or the other. Perhaps, you are just interested in myth. If you are unsure or you have doubts about the Trinity; that is the Triune God, read this book and you would be amazed at how much useful information you would find in it. You would be stunned at the credibility of the Holy Scriptures as it affects you and even your own family. You would also be amazed that the problems you are having currently are associated with external forces beyond your control. Theres absolutely nothing you can do about it, except you apply the approach...
Many religious proponents ascribe your existence to one being or the other. Perhaps, you are just interested in myth. If you are unsure or you have do...
It has become increasingly evident that most persons views about matters relating to religion are not originally sourced but based on second hand information, with attendant implications. Thus the basis for faith very often is non-scriptural but an inclination to generally held views of ones religion or sect. This has very dire consequences for the truth and approaches that may be defined as godly. Thus most persons are ruled by cunningly devised fables and not the truth. 16 For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus...
It has become increasingly evident that most persons views about matters relating to religion are not originally sourced but based on second hand info...
Over the years there has been the contention of whether the Lord God is a singular Being or more than one as the Trinitarians hold. Those who hold strongly to a singular being as God are defined as Non-Trinitarians. The reverse as has been indicated above is the group of the Trinitarians. The two groups have continued to cite scriptures which they believe clearly authenticate their positions. In these two groups, the element of bias or emotionalism has not been known to be completely divorced from their positions. Sentiments as are secondarily expressed and the tenacity to hold strongly to...
Over the years there has been the contention of whether the Lord God is a singular Being or more than one as the Trinitarians hold. Those who hold str...
The concept of wealth prosperity centred Christianity is often reasoned by many as a belated discovery of an integral part of the reality of Christianity. Some other schools of thought, notable of the Old generation orthodoxy, decry the trend. In the distant past, Christianity was a religion on welfarism. It was the welfare of the soul, where the objective of the preacher and the laity was to find rest to the soul in the bosom of our Lord God. Now, Christianity is still based on welfarism. It is rather the welfarism of the material wellbeing. It is even considered a superior welfarism, which...
The concept of wealth prosperity centred Christianity is often reasoned by many as a belated discovery of an integral part of the reality of Christian...
Is your position for or against the concept of a veritable Son of God? Is the Christ, God or just a son of man, as He himself even put it. 13 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? 14 And they said, Some say that thou art ... one of the prophets. 15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? 16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. (Matt 16) Although many persons share the views of Simon Peter, there are certain quarters that disagree completely with him,...
Is your position for or against the concept of a veritable Son of God? Is the Christ, God or just a son of man, as He himself even put it. 13 When Jes...
Signs of Number is basically the science of numbers. It is the empiricism associated with numbers in the Holy Scriptures. It is neither conjecture nor assumption. It is bringing together data relating to signs with a view to demonstrating with all clarity, that numbers are of some significant import; that they signify something greater and beyond the ordinary. The Signs of Numbers clearly expresses the significance of certain numbers, particularly numbers that have been identified as peculiar with the Bible, and more associated with the Trinity. The Signs of Numbers is the proof or empiricism...
Signs of Number is basically the science of numbers. It is the empiricism associated with numbers in the Holy Scriptures. It is neither conjecture nor...
The Lord God is superlatively associated with miracles. But not many people associated Him much with signs. In fact, when you talk about signs; that is relating the Lord to signs, it appears to shock most persons, who may be beclouded by the current craze for miracles, to overlook the fact that signs and wonders are actually the hallmark of the Lord God and not only wonders. Signs in the Scriptures are wide and varied. The most popular ones appear to related to figures. In fact the number 666 is nothing but a sign related to the Devil - the antichrist. Yet certain events are tangentially...
The Lord God is superlatively associated with miracles. But not many people associated Him much with signs. In fact, when you talk about signs; that i...
Shocking Yes; but true. The Devil has a part in every man. ...for all have sinned...and (all have) come short of the glory of the Lord... However, the Lord God has three parts in man. Thus man, a tripartite being is supposed to be shared into four. The difficulty in this, and the necessity for it, brought about the first unwritten and hitherto first unknown practice of the principle of the scapegoat. What number are you. Are you among the Number 3 or you are a Number 4; that is, are you in the Third Dimension or the Fourth. The Three group is the group where a man can heave a sigh of relief,...
Shocking Yes; but true. The Devil has a part in every man. ...for all have sinned...and (all have) come short of the glory of the Lord... However, th...
The Scriptures is full of codes which have been placed for human identification and gain. The problem often is that man does not always have the resources to unlock these codes. While acquisition of the keys to these codes is within human grasp, most men have not disposed themselves to seeking the truth of the Lord God and getting the corresponding benefit that is promised man. Much of the time, we read the genealogies of Bible characters with the lethargy of reading a very uninteresting subject. Much of the time we glance past many of these, convinced there is nothing relevant in them for...
The Scriptures is full of codes which have been placed for human identification and gain. The problem often is that man does not always have the resou...