HAY ALGUIEN AFUERA DEL MURO? es un analisis de la pelicula "Pink Floyd The Wall." Para este estudio, se considera, la pelicula gira en torno de dos preguntas basicas: Hay alguien alla afuera? Y Hay alguien alla adentro? Con la primera comienza este proceso de interpretacion. Y con la segunda termina este ensayo. Se considera, ademas, la pelicula es una maquina mental para viajar en el tiempo. Esta conformada por cuatro palancas: lo real, el recuerdo, la imaginacion, y el deseo. Con la primera se viaje en el presente. Con la segunda se viaja al pasado. Con la tercera se viaja al tiempo...
HAY ALGUIEN AFUERA DEL MURO? es un analisis de la pelicula "Pink Floyd The Wall." Para este estudio, se considera, la pelicula gira en torno de dos pr...
IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THE WALL? is an analysis of the movie "Pink Floyd The Wall." For this study, it is considered the film as revolving around two basic questions: "Is there anybody out there?" and "Is there anybody in there?" With the first starts this process of interpretation. And with the second ends this assay. It is considered, in addition, that the film is a mental machine to travel back in time. It consists of four levers: the real, memories, imagination, and desire. The first allows travelling in present time. The second allows travelling in past time. The third allows travelling in...
IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THE WALL? is an analysis of the movie "Pink Floyd The Wall." For this study, it is considered the film as revolving around two ba...
FACTOR ZOMBI es un estudio sobre el factor determinante para el cambio de las personas y la sociedad. En la personas se presenta como el indicativo de un cambio biologico en la pubertad. Es la transicion del nino al adulto. En las sociedades se presenta cuando los grupos humanos alcanzan la cuspide de la organizacion social y comienza el declive hasta la disolucion de ese modelo social. Este factor se caracteriza en esencia por dos rasgos facilmente observables, el aislamiento y el automatismo. El aislamiento es de caracter psiquico y esta marcado por una apatia total de la persona hacia todo...
FACTOR ZOMBI es un estudio sobre el factor determinante para el cambio de las personas y la sociedad. En la personas se presenta como el indicativo de...
Dr. HOUSE SYNDROME is an essay on a type of psychopathic behaviour in some people. It is characterized by the person's unconscious ability to avoid an emotional condition as if it was a physical ailment. These people do not know why they behave well. This is due to dissociation between the cerebral hemispheres. The right brain performs processes bypassing the rationality of the left brain. People with this syndrome have great ability to lie, deceive others. They are always evasive before any questioning about them. They believe feel a physical ailment, but this is only a confused sensation...
Dr. HOUSE SYNDROME is an essay on a type of psychopathic behaviour in some people. It is characterized by the person's unconscious ability to avoid an...
SINDROME Dr. HOSE es un ensayo sobre un tipo de comportamiento psicopata en algunas personas. Se caracteriza por la capacidad inconsciente de la persona de evadir una dolencia emocional mediante una dolencia fisica. Estas personas no saben por que se comportan asi. Ello se debe a una disociacion entre los hemisferios cerebrales. El hemisferio derecho realiza procesos sin pasar por la racionalidad del hemisferio izquierdo. Las personas con este sindrome, tienen gran capacidad para mentir, enganar a los demas. Siempre son evasivas ante cualquier cuestionamiento hacia ellas. Creen sentir una...
SINDROME Dr. HOSE es un ensayo sobre un tipo de comportamiento psicopata en algunas personas. Se caracteriza por la capacidad inconsciente de la perso...
TERRITORIES OF DEATH was presented to the Second National Award of Chronicle and Report of the University of Antioquia, Medellin - Colombia. It was highlighted by the jurors, as one of the most interesting finalists. A plural character, Rosendo, embodies the different roles of the assembly in which death has become in Medellin. The text in this book is a fragment of the original book, which was published in Spanish at the magazine Folios number 5, of the University of Antioquia, 2000. The full text of the book has been published in Spanish and soon it will be publishes in English under the...
TERRITORIES OF DEATH was presented to the Second National Award of Chronicle and Report of the University of Antioquia, Medellin - Colombia. It was hi...