The ad read: "Need Help? Bills due? Tired of ducking the Landlord? Come One...Come All to The Typing Room We pay good, honest Money for your Story of Desperation and Despair." And it led to a room with a coin-operated typewriter where you could pour out your troubles and expect something in return. Corrine had been there before. But when her husband went away she needed to go there again ... didn't she? "I call it 'A Comedy of Alzheimer's''" says Monica De Vargas, "because the situations I create in the novel - some dramatic, some comical, many magical - were inspired by my mother's own gift...
The ad read: "Need Help? Bills due? Tired of ducking the Landlord? Come One...Come All to The Typing Room We pay good, honest Money for your Story of...
"Anything that makes our clients happy, makes us happy " So say the Babes at HIP, Inc., a fictional ad agency not unlike every hot or wanna-be-hot shop in L.A. or Chicago, NYC or Seattle. Babes in Adland is a pithy, perky, ball-busting roman a clef of life in an '80s-something advertising agency, told from the female POV. TOM (The Office Mom), along with a receptionist known as The Sphinx, and a host of Babes, share the unvarnished side of females in the world of (M)AD MEN."
"Anything that makes our clients happy, makes us happy " So say the Babes at HIP, Inc., a fictional ad agency not unlike every hot or wanna-be-hot sho...