How can we use technology to help us be more caring to the people around us and to ourselves? This book presents solutions including point of performance systems that help us care in the moment, training systems that teach us strategies for caring, and reflection systems that help us analyze caring in our lives. It reviews existing technological tools and products to support caring. It includes sample code and a case base of how to be caring in forty-eight common situations.
How can we use technology to help us be more caring to the people around us and to ourselves? This book presents solutions including point of performa...
Computers today can be very opaque. When they make a mistake, it's hard to understand why, and it's hard to fix the problem. Computers should instead be transparent. They should be able to reason like people and explain their reasoning to people. This book discusses techniques for designing and building transparent computers ranging from declarative methods to neural networks. It describes ways of implementing dialogue, explanation, and learning in transparent computers.
Computers today can be very opaque. When they make a mistake, it's hard to understand why, and it's hard to fix the problem. Computers should instead ...