Tutvuu is a brave, adventurous girl who lives in a small town called Eyin Ilekun. The town has magical roots and is shrouded in mystery. Upon hearing about the existence of spirits and magic fruits, she sets out to find a magic orange to heal her mother of a strange illness that prevents her from walking
Tutvuu is a brave, adventurous girl who lives in a small town called Eyin Ilekun. The town has magical roots and is shrouded in mystery. Upon hearing ...
The much anticipated sequel to the scifi epic Amnesiacs. Swift escapes from Nephilim at the end of Amnesiacs in the flight leaving Might trapped. Eight days after the events on Mount Karnack, Might awakens in the desert beyond this mountain lying beside the mangled remains of a harbinger. Guided by a voice in his head which calls itself Eleyon, he journeys deep into the irradiated deserts of Nephilim exploring areas which have long been abandoned by its inhabitants. He is on a quest to find an ancient weapon, created almost a millennium ago. The power in this weapon might be the only thing...
The much anticipated sequel to the scifi epic Amnesiacs. Swift escapes from Nephilim at the end of Amnesiacs in the flight leaving Might trapped. Eigh...
Yinka the main protagonist of the story is a twelve year old boy who is a first year student in an exclusive private secondary school in Offa, a small town in western Nigeria. He finds himself inadvertently drawn into an alternate realm when three bullies forcefully remove him from the school premises and carry him to an eerie forest behind the school. After narrowly escaping death at the hands of a bear like entity called an Eseku, he falls into a wooden cave where he meets a talking turtle called Saworide who reveals to him that he is in the Forbidden forest; a place which is the boundary...
Yinka the main protagonist of the story is a twelve year old boy who is a first year student in an exclusive private secondary school in Offa, a small...
The exciting sequel to the children's book classic Tutvuu and the Magic Oranges. In this installment Tutvuu and her friends hear the town hall's bell ringing. They only ring it when there is trouble. Getting there the town's diviner reveals that things and properties in Eyin Ilekun are disappearing and this is the work of an evil sorceror banished decades ago. Tutvuu and her friends set out to find him in order to somehow convince him to turn things back to the way they were
The exciting sequel to the children's book classic Tutvuu and the Magic Oranges. In this installment Tutvuu and her friends hear the town hall's bell ...
Five strangers awaken on a desert world with no recollection of who they are. Deciding to travel together they set out to find the answers to their probing questions and the reason for their amnesia. Their travels reveal that the world they are in is called Nephilim which means the fallen world; and it is a post apocalyptic world with only four cities remaining after a disaster simply called the Event. The fourth and final city is called the city of light where all hidden secrets are revealed. They set out to find the city of light to find out the truth behind their amnesia. What they...
Five strangers awaken on a desert world with no recollection of who they are. Deciding to travel together they set out to find the answers to their pr...
In an unexplained darkness a strange consciousness comes into being. It has a sense of self and drifts towards a pin prick of light. When it goes through the consciousness finds itself in humanoid form surrounded by thousands of humanoids just like him whose only distinguishing feature is a line of color over their lips. He discovers they exist in a city ruled and controlled by unseen guardians, who are in turn subject to a being of immeasurable power called the all father. All are put through a rigorous training session for a trial simply called Beta Gamma where only one survives. Will he be...
In an unexplained darkness a strange consciousness comes into being. It has a sense of self and drifts towards a pin prick of light. When it goes thro...