Have you given up? I did. When I finally let go the fight to get what I wanted a funny thing happened. My effort to manifest began to be a little, no, VERY magical. I no longer needed to try to get things. A funny synchronicity crept in buoying my efforts, magnifying their power, creating magic where before there had only been misery. I unwittingly had activated my soul abundance power. If you have been trying to get things, but find your efforts only manifest "no things," it is time to learn something new. It is time to learn "Manifesting Magic." This is a four step process which spells the...
Have you given up? I did. When I finally let go the fight to get what I wanted a funny thing happened. My effort to manifest began to be a little, no,...
Once you make contact with your Spiritual Guides, your life will never be the same again. You will not be alone, in the dark or unassisted. It is like having your own private spiritual coach, ready to assist and help you through every step of your own life. Open your doorway and watch your miracles begin. Everyone has their own unique way to connect. This book is constructed to gently guide the novice student forward with real life examples, simple development exercises, building to the next. Open your psychic sense of clairaudience (clear hearing) with spirit board dowsing, automatic...
Once you make contact with your Spiritual Guides, your life will never be the same again. You will not be alone, in the dark or unassisted. It is like...