Berva Harding is a high-energy, bold, and adventurous adolescent, living in the distant future in the village of Harmony. Her life takes a dramatic turn for the worse when an evil quadrumvirate invades her village and then takes over the once peaceful Queendom. Berva and her clever and loyal friends strike back against the forces of darkness by using an ingenious combination of humor, bravery, smarts, and uncivil disobedience.
Berva Harding is a high-energy, bold, and adventurous adolescent, living in the distant future in the village of Harmony. Her life takes a dramatic tu...
Azrail is an archangel, one of the original four. He's also the Angel of Death, the harvester of souls, the One who comes to your deathbed and offers redemption. Time and Man's constant atrocities, however, turn him into a bitter cynic until he finds Kay. She becomes his light, the beacon that brings him back from the depths of his darkened soul. But Lucifer couldn't have that, and orchestrates what he believes to be the perfect plan that will finally define Az's permanent downfall. Az is thrown far deeper than ever before into his hopelessness and contempt for Man. As he looms over the...
Azrail is an archangel, one of the original four. He's also the Angel of Death, the harvester of souls, the One who comes to your deathbed and offers ...
Berva and her friends search for her kidnapped father, along the way battling pirates, drug dealers, and (most frightening of all) religious authorities.
Berva and her friends search for her kidnapped father, along the way battling pirates, drug dealers, and (most frightening of all) religious authoriti...