...] - Non, non et non, tu es folle Protestai-je en commencant a me debattre pour echapper a son emprise. J'eus assez de force pour la repousser. Mais, a mon grand desarroi, elle revint a la charge et me renversa brutalement sur le lit. Immediatement, elle s'allongea sur moi de tout son poids et se mit a me caresser. Je ne baissai pas les bras et me debattit encore comme un beau diable en la griffant et en lui lancant des coups de pieds. C'est a ce moment qu'elle se pencha vers sa table de chevet, en ouvrit le tiroir et en tira un revolver. Tout de suite elle le braque contre ma tempe et...
...] - Non, non et non, tu es folle Protestai-je en commencant a me debattre pour echapper a son emprise. J'eus assez de force pour la repousser. M...
Cynthia Verna Butterfly Publication Margare Ingrid Roy
...] - No, no and no, you are crazy I argued, while starting to fight to get away from her. I wanted to free myself from her stranglehold. I found the strength to escape her embrace, but to my utmost surprise, she came right back at me and brutally threw me down on the bed. Immediately, she covered my body with all her weight and started to caress me. I did not give up and kept on struggling like a wild cat, scratching her with my claws and kicking her until she moved back. But at a certain point, having over-come my resistance, she threw herself once more on top of me, but then in a...
...] - No, no and no, you are crazy I argued, while starting to fight to get away from her. I wanted to free myself from her stranglehold. I found t...