She played and enjoyed every little sensation that was going through him at that moment. A teenage boy living his wildest fantasy. Having a married woman naked before him when her husband was away. It was coming. She wanted it as much as he. She knelt to face him. And he held his breath She began to roll up her red top just pausing at her breasts and quickly taking it off. His jaw dropped and he felt dizzy.
She played and enjoyed every little sensation that was going through him at that moment. A teenage boy living his wildest fantasy. Having a married wo...
He held her close to him with his arms around her hips. He got a kick everytime he did that. She was like an inhalational drug. He looked at her eyes. She was unaware what had happened in her WhyAPP. She was looking at him with a smile that asked him to do something more than just hold her. He led her to the recreation room and laid her on the blue-red sleek racer bike. Her white nude body over the blue-red, her boobs rising over the tank and her belly sinking to jell with the curve of the bike. His erection was like a jet rocket. She pulled him and he needed no invitation to ride her. He...
He held her close to him with his arms around her hips. He got a kick everytime he did that. She was like an inhalational drug. He looked at her eyes....