THE ENLIGHTENED SAYINGS OF HAZRAT 'ALI The Right Hand of the Prophet Translation & Introduction by Paul Smith Hazrat 'Ali (598-661) was Prophet Mohammed's nephew, son-in-law and favourite and was the first Imam of the Shi'ites and the fourth of the true caliphs of the Sunnis. Sufi Masters believe in Ali as one of the 'Seven Great Ones' in the first generation of teachers and many in orders of Dervishes trace their spiritual ancestry back to him. Hazrat Ali's sayings are published as Nahj al-Balagh or 'The Peak of Experience'... a treasury of wisdom and divine grace. It is said that he wrote...
THE ENLIGHTENED SAYINGS OF HAZRAT 'ALI The Right Hand of the Prophet Translation & Introduction by Paul Smith Hazrat 'Ali (598-661) was Prophet Mohamm...