A romantic thriller with a satirical edge, Thespia's Abandon is a glimpse behind the Hollywood veil, centering on a group of people who converge on Tinsel Town in order to fight the forces of evil who run a hegemonic movie studio. Add to this motif a background of revolution, alien visitations, an actress running from her cult-heroine status (as well as her controllers), and you have a thrill-a-minute page-turner that navigates through contemporary issues to an apocalyptic finish.
A romantic thriller with a satirical edge, Thespia's Abandon is a glimpse behind the Hollywood veil, centering on a group of people who converge on Ti...
The follow-up to the novel (DEAD TO LOVE) that presented readers with the truth about an ancient conspiracy, and our own true power...THE MOONFROST RUNES goes even deeper into the labyrinth of human and Earth history and mystery, and who and what has guided and controlled the course of that history... Constance Girard is back, four years after the end of Dead to Love, to fight the demonic Behemoths who control the world. Again, her child is taken from her, and she, as a multidimensional avenging angel, must battle the forces of darkness to find her. There are new adventures, new characters,...
The follow-up to the novel (DEAD TO LOVE) that presented readers with the truth about an ancient conspiracy, and our own true power...THE MOONFROST RU...